Week of Oct. 1st

Sn-Owtober anyone?

It's been another busy week in grade three but we are growing and learning everyday :)

We are having a spirit day at PoW on Tuesday! Wear your hats! Silly hats, sports hats, winter hats...anything will do :) As there happens to be a Calgary Flames game on Tuesday- the students thought it would be fun to also wear our jerseys or pjs! Whether you wear a jersey or your pjs- anyone can also bring a stuffie :)

Some of the highlights from our week include:

We created a watercolor agate painting with Ms. Lauf to connect with our Rocks and Minerals unit! Thank you Ms. Lauf for sharing your gifts with us :)

We learned a new card game with Ms. Gray and worked on a triangular math puzzle.

We had a successful evacuation when we noticed there was something that didn't smell right in the school. Ms. Bezugley was super proud of us. 

We had our first library period and we all signed out 1-2 books :)

We explored a new website: http://www.e-learningforkids.org/science/lesson/rock-formation/ to explore and gain more information about Rocks and Minerals. We used this site as an interactive research site and in our visual journals created a web to document interesting facts.

We had a "show what you know" in mathematics where Ms. Parent asked us to think about some of the big concepts we learned in math last year and use those ideas to solve a few questions. This will help Ms. Parent make sure she does her best job in helping us grow as mathematicians!

We looked at patterns again this week. We looked at how we can document our thinking in a t-chart and use the t-chart to identify and extend patterns that are both increasing and decreasing. We talked about what terms were and how later on in our education we will use the number in those charts to help us write equations and plot points on a graph!

We look at another artifact and reflected on it through our see/think/wonder/sketch entry page in our journals.

We had some time to play math operation games on mathplayground.com, to continue to work on the lightbot coding game and also worked on our typing skills.

We have been working on building our writing stamina with a daily power-writing block! Students are given 15 minutes to write about anything they want in any capacity they choose. We have also had students share their writing if they would like to do so and we are practicing giving feedback to help one another.

We have been talking about Needs and Wants to begin our Social Studies unit and we created a visual journal page to show what we have learned about this topic.

We have talked about what it means to be a good friend and the importance of kindness and cooperation in a learning environment. We were able to practice some of these ideas with some cooperative board games this week! We chose friends that maybe we don’t always choose to play with so we can spend time building new friendships and then selected a game to play together.

We also created a page to share some things we are thankful for in our lives to end our week before the Thanksgiving weekend :)