May 6th-10th, 2019
Important Dates May 14, 15 - Urban Tour Field Trip May 15 - Fun Lunch May 16 - Early Dismissal May 17 - PD Day - No school for students May 20 - Victoria Day - School is closed May 24 - Volunteer Tea May 29 - Fun Lunch Highlights from our week: We started out our week preparing and setting up our journals for the first two days of our Urban Tour. We had an additional conversation about our upcoming field trip with some additional expectations and reviewing others that we thought were very important. We also read Harry Potter and continued to work on identifying problems and solutions, summarizing what we are reading and identifying new words. We continued this work on our day in between trips as well as creating our first web/map for day one. We also had an art morning on Friday where we used mixed mediums on watercolor paper to create some cool projects :) We had an AMAZING first two days on our Urban Tour! Flexibility was our game. We were so lucky to run into the...