April 29th- May 3rd

Important Dates
May 7, 9, 14, 15 - Urban Tour Field Trip
May 15 - Fun Lunch
May 16 - Early Dismissal
May 17 - PD Day - No school for students
May 20 - Victoria Day - School is closed
May 24 - Volunteer Tea
May 29 - Fun Lunch 

Urban Tour Field Trip
Our Urban Walk Field Trip is coming up next week. Thank-you to everyone who has volunteered to help us with this amazing learning experience!

Please bring in all field trip forms for our Urban Tour. 

If anyone is still interested in volunteering for our Urban Tour, please contact myself or Ms. Jo-Lynne. We currently need one volunteer for each day.

Here are some highlights from our week:

We had our last trip to the Calgary Zoo this week! Students enjoyed revisiting their animals for a study on it's behavior and we were lucky the weather held up for us!

We had our 3 sessions of Alien Inline this week! The students worked hard to practice the techniques shared by Slater which included stopping (a few different ways), how to avoid a collision, tight turns, how to skate forwards and backwards etc. We all had SO much fun and wished we could have more time on our skates. 

On Friday we had a class meeting to discuss a couple of things:
1)  Review of classroom/school expectations + our plan to increase our independence with following the group plan.
2) We talked about what we might see downtown (buildings, statues, art, cars, people, trains, buses) and some of the risks that might exist downtown (traffic, trains, people- ensuring we know all people downtown are strangers, bathrooms- we talked about who uses public washrooms and how some people are working professionals but are still poor so they might need to use a public washroom to clean up, we talked about how some people might make choices that are not healthy and they may leave needles in a washroom or in another space downtown and how we are to NEVER touch one and we are to always tell an adult, we talked about staying in our groups, walking on the right hand side of the sidewalk etc.). We talked about the risks being shared as a way of making us aware and alert not afraid.

As we will be spending our time downtown, looking at many of the things they have identified as existing downtown, we have been watching a 6 part series developed by the City of Calgary, looking at how and why Calgary has changed over the last 100 years. 

We have continued to work in our multiplication unit and we will complete an end of unit project this week where students will apply their knowledge to a real-life application :)

We have continued our research into powwow dancing and have started to use that research to create Google Slides to share with the school. 

We have continued to look at bridges and structures as part of our preparation for our Urban Walking tour and as our focus in science in our classroom.

We are moving along in our Harry Potter novel and students have continued their work on their adventure maps. We have been completing guided drawings on the characters, considering the settings and identifying new words and various problems and solutions that have come up.