Week 2: September 9-13, 2019
Important Information
Important Dates
September 17: Ms. Parent is away for a learning opportunity. We will be welcoming Ms. Temple into our learning spaces.
September 18: Fish Creek Walk (3-4 volunteers in total for our 3 classes are needed)
September 19: Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30 - 7:30 PM
September 20 Parent-Teacher Conferences 8:00 - 11:10 AM
September 27: Terry Fox Run
September 30: Orange Shirt Day Assembly - Wear an orange shirt, or your favourite shirt!
September 27: Terry Fox Run
September 30: Orange Shirt Day Assembly - Wear an orange shirt, or your favourite shirt!
Patrol Letters:
If your child indicated that they are interested in taking on a leadership role with patrols this year, then they have been given a permission form to get signed and returned. Please have this sent back by September 18th. Patrol training is set for September 23rd in the afternoon with Cnst. Kevin Courchesne.
Walking Fieldtrip
The grade 5/6 classes will be walking to Fish Creek on September 18th in the afternoon. Please ensure they have proper attire for the weather that day. We are looking for 3-4 volunteers between our 3 classes- if you are interested in supporting us this day, please send me an email and let me know!
Magazines Needed
We are still looking for gentle used magazines for our visual journal cover collage projects. If you have a few gently used magazines that you would be willing to share with us, it would be greatly appreciated.
Student Forms and Demographics
We are still looking for gentle used magazines for our visual journal cover collage projects. If you have a few gently used magazines that you would be willing to share with us, it would be greatly appreciated.
Student Forms and Demographics
A reminder that student forms (from the package) and the demographics form need to be reviewed, filled out, and sent back as soon as possible.
September Conferences
If you have not already booked your September Conference, please do so. You may do this online and if you are having any troubles, please contact Ms. MacLeod in the office.
Terry Fox Run
Blue/purple letters and forms have been sent home. Please ask your son/daughter for the form.
Updates/Highlights From Our Classes
Social Studies:
We have been discussing the difference between differentiation and discrimination. We have looked at how these terms have successfully helped some while holding others back historically and in our current society. Other concepts that are tied to these include prejudice and scapegoating. Ask me what I know and understand about these concepts.
We have been creating our one word art pieces on canvas using sharpies, watercolor paints and acrylic paints. Ask me what my word is, why it is an important focus for me this year and how I might set goals around this intention.
Design Challenge cont:
This week we continued to think and talk about what it means to truly collaborate and work together. We talked about the importance of sharing ideas and trusting in others to spark ideas and to add on to our ideas to develop innovative work. We used paint and pastels to add on to other projects. This went well for the most part but we ran into some problems in our last day which we will learn and grow from.
We will be continuing on with probability next week.
We have been documenting ideas and thoughts in our visual journals and writing scribblers. We had our first "Just Write" session this week which is intended to increase our fluency and stamina in our writing. Ask me what it means to just write and what I decided to write about this week.
Visual Journals:
We started to think about 5 things Ms. Parent (and other teachers in the school) should know about us. We've documented these things on sticky notes and will create a page in our journals next week. We have continued to document something we have learned each day during our reflection time. We had some catch up time on Friday to go through our journals and ensure we are doing our best work.
Ms. Haslock:
We met Ms. Haslock on Friday and had a circle to welcome her to our class. Ms. Haslock will be joining our learning space as she develops her skills and knowledge in becoming a teacher in her own classroom soon. She will start with us on Oct. 23rd and will be with us until December. We learned lots of things about her and we shared some things about who we are as well. We know her favorite food is pizza and breakfast foods, that she LOVES the Harry Potter series and her favorite character is Hermoine Granger, that she is from England and that she has been a dancer and taught dance for many years. We can't wait to help her grow as a teacher this term.