Important Information, Dates and Learning Updates
November 28: Battle of the Colours - Grade 5/6s wear RED!
November 28: PoWer Hour
December 4: Fun Lunch (Wok Box)
December 5: PoWer Hour (last session)
December 12: Winter Celebration at 6:30 pm
December 18: Fun Lunch (Boston Pizza)
December 18: Report Cards come home :)
December 19: Last day of classes before break
December 20: PD Day - No school for students
January 6: PD Day - No school for students
January 7: Classes resume
November 28: PoWer Hour
December 4: Fun Lunch (Wok Box)
December 5: PoWer Hour (last session)
December 12: Winter Celebration at 6:30 pm
December 18: Fun Lunch (Boston Pizza)
December 18: Report Cards come home :)
December 19: Last day of classes before break
December 20: PD Day - No school for students
January 6: PD Day - No school for students
January 7: Classes resume
Revised Assessment and Reporting - Link
Here is the link to the school website to access the revised assessment and reporting documents .
Here are Some Learning Updates
Mathematics- We had a bit of an end of unit assessment in our place value unit. Of course the concept of place value will continue to play an important role as we continue on in upcoming concepts. We also reviewed addition and subtraction with regrouping. Please ask me if this is a skill I might need some extra practice on as it is not a skill taught in grades five or six. Ms. Parent can spend some time with students at recess if requested. We will be moving into a mini unit in measurement which will tie into our multiplication and division unit before the holiday break.
Social- We "toured" across the provinces and territories, highlighting landforms and resources that are found in each place. We started to make connections around similar resources and landforms found in provinces that in close proximity. This moved us forward into our lessons around the 6 regions of Canada- ask me if I know what they are! Ask me what the smallest region is even though it has the longest name and greatest number of people living in it. (Don't forget to check Ms. Pallesen/Ms. Warrener's blog to find out what is happening in grade 6 science and social.
ELA- We have been working on our Hay Ride stories. Ms. Parent has given us feedback on our stories that we have been asked to use to edit our draft. We spent some time giving our descriptive language a "score" by rating our words as basic, good or strong. We will use this as we try to level up our language to create a stronger sense of imagery in our writing. In addition, we have used a rubric to first look at exemplars created by Luna, Chloe and Hazel and afterwards we completed a self-assessment on our own stories.