Important information, dates and learning updates
Food Bank
We are collecting non-perishable food for the Calgary Food Bank for the next 2 weeks.
If you would like to donate, please send the food to the classroom, as we will weigh the food prior to putting in the donation boxes.
Prince of Wales Spirit Week
December 16: Wear your favorite scarf!
December 17: Show off your favorite winter bling!
December 17: Carolling at 1:00 PM
December 18: Wear your favorite holiday shirt or sweater!
December 18: Fun Lunch (Boston Pizza)
December 18: Caroling at 9:00 AM
December 18: Report Cards come home!
December 19: Pj Day! Wear your comfy Pjs and bring in a stuffy to celebrate the end of the term :)
December 19: Caroling at 12:30 PM
December 19: Last day of classes before break
December 20: PD Day - No school for students
January 6: PD Day - No school for students
January 7: Classes resume
December 17: Show off your favorite winter bling!
December 17: Carolling at 1:00 PM
December 18: Wear your favorite holiday shirt or sweater!
December 18: Fun Lunch (Boston Pizza)
December 18: Caroling at 9:00 AM
December 18: Report Cards come home!
December 19: Pj Day! Wear your comfy Pjs and bring in a stuffy to celebrate the end of the term :)
December 19: Caroling at 12:30 PM
December 19: Last day of classes before break
December 20: PD Day - No school for students
January 6: PD Day - No school for students
January 7: Classes resume
We have continued working on our Hayride stories. Students will be giving feedback to each other this week and we will have a chance to level up our vocabulary! We started and finished a unit in expository writing over the past few weeks. We examined the parts of a newspaper and wrote our own classroom newspaper that was published for our classroom. We made cards for students in Taiwan to share some of our traditions and to let them know what it is like to live in Calgary. Ms. Haslock will deliver them for us and soon we should be receiving cards back. We also made cards for our buddies at Joane Cardinal-Schubert high school and Ms. Parent delivered them over the weekend. Ms. Parent started to read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This will be a quick read as most of us have read this book and we have some time before the break to read a good portion of it. We will do a novel study with the second book after the break. We are working on a holiday acrostic poem and will be moving into looking at figurative language as we move into our poetry unit to finish the term and to start with after the break.
We have started our French/Blackfoot language classes in grades 5/6. We have been looking at greetings in both languages. We are learning phrases such as "Hello" "My name is____. What is your name", "Nice to meet you", "How are you" and "I am fine and you?". We will be moving into numbers up to 30 and how to say "How old are you" and "I am ___ years old".
In math, we have been continuing to look at multiplication through some different games and strategies. We have also been looking at measurement in different units (converting between mm, cm and meters) and using non-standard units of measurements. We are using our knowledge of measurement and multiplication to solve for the area of different rectangles.
Please remember to check Ms. Warrener/Ms. Pallesen's blog for updates on grade 6 science and social studies.
In grade 5, we have been exploring the regions of Canada through a study of the provinces and territories. We have researched the geographical regions in each province, looked at the bodies of water, national parks, natural resources and other interesting facts. We have created posters to share our learning with the rest of the class and we are now giving class presentations.
We said goodbye to Ms. Haslock on Thursday. We were SO lucky to work with her and she is going to be an incredible teacher when she is finished her degree. We had a goodbye circle where we shared our favorite memories and wishes for her. We also gave her a book signed by all of us and a gift card for her to treat herself to a fun night with a friend. Good luck on your journey to becoming the best teacher you can be!!