Important Information and Learning Updates


Concert Tickets 
If you do not need any of the tickets, please send them back as soon as possible.
Extra tickets (if requested) have been sent home today

Spring Concert
The Spring Concert is being held on March 4th, and March 5th. Doors open at 6:00, and the concert begins at 6:30. Please bring your child to the classroom, and then you can find your seats.
  • March 4: Students with last names beginning with A-K
  • March 5: Students with names beginning with L-Z
If you cannot make it, we have dress rehearsals!
  • March 4 at 8:45ish: Students with last names beginning with A-K
  • March 5 at 12:45ish: Students with names beginning with L-Z

Field Trip Forms
Please ensure all field trips have been sent in by Monday! Both SEED School (March 9-13th) and Outdoor School (March 16-19th) are overdue. Extra forms have been sent home with those students who have not returned forms yet to ensure they get filled out and sent in. Please check backpacks or ask your child if they have a form (or two) that needs to be filled out.

We still need volunteers on most days for SEED School. Please take a look at the link below and see if you might be able to help us out! We know it is a BIG ask for parents to join us for a full day of learning but we are so grateful for your support!


March 4: Spring Concert - Students with last names beginning with A-K
March 5: Spring Concert - Students with last names beginning with L-M
March 11: Fun Lunch (Little Caesars) - Ms Parent's class will be at SEED School if you want to cancel your lunches.
March 9-13: SEED School
March 16-19: Outdoor School (Ms. Parent's class)
March 19: Early Dismissal at 11:45 AM
March 19 & 20: Student-Led Conferences
March 23 - March 27: Spring Break
March 30: PD Day - No school for students
March 31: School resumes from Spring break

Learning Updates:

In ELA we worked on our Harry Potter blackout poems and had a free write this week. 
In Mathematics we talked about and compared the lattice method and traditional methods for multi-digit multiplication. I included links that explore both concepts for students to review. Please have students try a couple multi-digit multiplication question using both methods (and they can even include the box method too!). 
We had a couple extra music periods this week to rehearse for the concert next week!
No art this week (except for what was included in our poetry)
We had some time with our Reading Nooks this week
In grade 5 science, we talked about the difference between acids and bases and explored the ph scale using an online tester. We will have an end of unit test on Monday.
In grade 6 social studies, students wrote a quiz this week. 
As we prepare for our week at SEED School, we talked about difference between what we might notice in the downtown area of Calgary compared to different suburbs.

Have a great weekend everyone!