Learning Updates, Important Dates and Important Information


February 25: Police Interpretive Centre (Ms. Parent's class)
February 26: Fun Lunch (Booster Juice)
February 26: Pink Shirt Day Assembly at 12:30 PM 
March 4: Spring Concert - Students with last names beginning with A-K
March 5: Spring Concert - Students with last names beginning with L-M
March 5: Wilma Hansen School Tour
March 9-13: SEED School (Ms. Parent's class)
March 11: Fun Lunch (Little Caesars)
March 16-19: Outdoor School (All grade 5/6 classes)
March 19: Early Dismissal at 11:45 AM
March 19 & 20: Student-Led Conferences
March 23 - March 27: Spring Break
March 30: PD Day - No school
March 31: School resumes from Spring break


Concert Tickets 
Spring Concert tickets have been sent home through Oldest and Only. Please read the sheet for information. 
If you do not need any of the tickets, please send them back as soon as possible, as we are doing a potter draw for any families requesting extra tickets. 
The request for extra tickets needs to be sent home as soon as possible, as well.

Spring Concert
The Spring Concert is being held on March 4th, and March 5th. Doors open at 6:00, and the concert begins at 6:30. Please bring your child to the classroom, and then you can find your seats.

Please check Ms. Anderson's blog for lyrics and music associated with performance. Please practice a few times a week to ensure you know the words to the songs :)
  • March 4: Students with last names beginning with A-K
  • March 5: Students with names beginning with L-Z
If you cannot make it, we have dress rehearsals!
  • March 4 at 8:45ish: Students with last names beginning with A-K
  • March 5 at 12:45ish: Students with names beginning with L-Z

VOLUNTEERs STill Needed- Seed School

We still have a few spots for volunteers- please use the link below to sign up and join us for a day of learning and fun!

What We Did:

ELA: We happily welcomed back Ms. Cathy Beverage to our classroom this week. She worked with us on planning a satisfying story. We also worked on our blackout poems and they are turning out brilliantly!! (See pictures attached) We finished our quick read of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and we've started our class study of The Chamber of Secrets.

Art: We've continued to work with Ms. Ferrari on perspective drawing using a vanishing point

PE: We started our Badminton unit (with out nets) this week. 

Music: Concert prep is well underway but make sure to check out Ms. Anderson's blog to find out what is going on in class. 

Science: In grade 5, we looked at separating mixtures and solutions in our kitchen chemistry unit. Ask me about an interesting discovery I made in my results. In grade 6, we worked on developing an understanding of different concepts in our forensic science unit. 

Social: Grade 6's have a test on provincial government on Wednesday.

Mathematics: Grade 5's have continued to learn about quadrilaterals and have been using quadrilaterals to explore lines of symmetry. The grade 6's continued to explore and learn more about triangles and how to find the value of a missing angle.