Thinking Really Hard on Thursday!

Hey Grade 5/6's!

It was so good to see all your smiling faces in yesterday’s giant Google Meet! Today we are going to give
you some time to continue to work on Math Task #12 - The Poisoned Pizza Mystery from Tuesday
(can you figure out whodunit?). 

For those of you who have already finished the assignment and turned it in, we have an extra challenge
you can work on (for those who are not finished-- this is extra and does not need to be completed!).

Please go to the Google Classroom for the extra assignment (“What’s That Pattern?” Challenge!)

****Ask your parents to check their email for an important message about our Community Parade
on Friday!! We hope to see all of our families waving.

Also- please remember that there are NO math groups today. Groups will start back up on Tuesday
of next week (no school Friday or Monday)