Weekly Update and Week in Review

Weekly Update: May 11 - May 15

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students, 

It’s hard to believe this is Week 7 of our online learning.  Thank you all for continuing to “show up!”  We hope you had the opportunity to pick up your classroom belongings, and reminisce about some of your experiences as you looked through your school work.  

It is a short week this week, as Friday is a professional development day for teachers.  There will be no assignments posted for Friday or the following Monday (Victoria Day).   

This will also be our first week for some of our small groups with Ms. Anderson and with classroom teachers. Parent(s)/Guardian(s), if you received an email with an invitation for learning in these small groups, please let us know if your child will be accessing this support. 

Week At A Glance
Monday:  Physical Education Design Challenge /Reading Comprehension 
Tuesday: Patterns Introduction - Number Patterns and Pattern Rules
Wednesday:  Physical Education Design Challenge; All Grade 5/6 Google Meet @ 1:00PM
*Students- check your gmail accounts at 12:50pm for the nickname!*
Thursday: Basic Algebra-- using a letter variable to represent an unknown amount
Friday: No School

This week we will continue our interdisciplinary physical education design challenge.  Our focus will be on using our findings and research to narrow down our ideas and create a new game!  Let the fun begin! We will also be starting to read a humourous short story, called “Super Pizza,” to work on building reading strategies and comprehension through responding to text.  Our focus in math will be starting our next unit-- patterns and relations!   

Week in Review
Monday: PE Design Challenge (Ideation Phase)
Tuesday: IXL Division Practice
Wednesday: PE Design Challenge (Collaborate and Reflect)
Thursday: Division Problems & IXL Division Practice
Friday: PE Design Challenge (Research and Experiment)