Weekly Updates and Important Information

Dear Parents, Guardian and Students, 

We hope you all had a wonderful long weekend.  

We have had a few parents reach out to ask us about the assessment of tasks/assignments.  Your
child(ren) have been submitting assignments to us online through Google Classroom, or prior to this, on
Google Docs.  Feedback and comments have been provided to your children using both of these
platforms.  In addition, teachers have sometimes “returned” assignments to students allowing them to
make changes and edits to their work, and allowing students to resubmit the assignment.  Please ask
you child if they have submitted their assignments in Google Classroom and ask them to share their
feedback they've received in Google Classroom.

We also have Google Classroom up and running.  We have been emphasizing for the kids to ensure they
are “turning in” all assignments in Google Classroom instead of previous platforms that they were using. 
We appreciate your child’s help with this and ask that all assignments be turned in through Google
Classroom. Students will be asked to resubmit into the classroom when needed to support this process
as it allows for all materials to be turned into one central location. If needed, please help your child submit their assignments (even assignments they've been working on over the past few weeks as they finish) into Google Classroom - we appreciate your help with this! If there is a concern with how to do this, please contact your teacher so we can set up a Google Meet to help :)

Teachers will send out reminders to students who have not submitted assignments through their gmail
(@educbe.ca). Additionally, when teachers provide feedback or return an assignment (either for
resubmission/corrections or as a completed document), students will receive an email notification. Thus,
it is important that your child(ren) are checking their emails fairly regularly. (In Google Classroom,
students can click on a TO DO button to see what still needs to be completed or turned-in.)

Week At A Glance - May 18-22

Monday:  No School (Victoria Day)
Tuesday: Patterns-- What is a variable? Math Task #13 (Math group Google Meets)
Wednesday: Super Pizza (Chapter 2 + comprehension questions) & Digital Citizenship (video and
questions). (Reading group Google Meets)
Thursday: Problem solving using patterns (Math group Google Meets)
Friday: Super Pizza (Chapter 3 + comprehension questions) & Airplane Design Challenge
(Ms. Parent's class has a Google Meet at 10 AM)

This week we will be continuing to work on patterns and relations in mathematics. If your child is
struggling with any of the concepts, please reach out to your classroom teacher through email so we can
set up Google Meets to help. Our focus this week in ELA will continue with our new online novel (Super
Pizza) and we will also have a focus on digital citizenship as students have shifted so much of their focus
to collaborating with each other online. 

Week in Review - May 11-15 
Monday: PE Design Challenge/Super Pizza Chapter 1
Tuesday: Numerical Patterns - Task #12 The Case of the Poisonous Pizza
Wednesday: PE Design Challenge/Whole Group Google Meet/Work on Work Time 
Thursday: Numerical Patterns - The Case of the Poisonous Pizza  continued, plus a Patterns Challenge
Friday: P/D day (No School) - Community Parade!!