Weekly Updates and Important Information

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,

It’s hard to believe it is the last week of May! 

Your kids continue to make us proud as they rise to the challenges presented to them each week.  We are proud of their commitment and dedication.

Week At A Glance:
Monday:  Chapter 4 Super Pizza / Intro to Perspective Writing 
Tuesday: Understanding Equality - Math Task 15
Wednesday: Chapter 5 Super Pizza / Perspective Writing
Thursday:  Keeping Equations Balanced - Math Task 16
Friday:  Chapter 6 Super Pizza / Work on Work / Google Meets Parent/Gilbank 10AM Warrener/Pallesen 11 AM

Please also note the following Monday/Tuesday Open Google Meet Times are also available for students to connect, ask questions and gain support from their teachers with weekly tasks. The code to join the open Meet is the same as our Friday Meets :)

Open Meet: 10:30AM (Warrener/Parent) 
Open Meet: 11AM (Gilbank)

Open Math Meet 10:30 (Pallesen)

(Invitational small group support will continue as scheduled for Monday - Thursday)

This week we will continue our focus on developing reading comprehension strategies through personal responses to text.  Our writing focus will shift to identifying and narrating different perspectives. Our Math focus will be looking at Equality and Balanced Equations.

Week in Review 
Monday: (No school Victoria Day)
Tuesday: Patterns - What is a variable? Math Task #13
Wednesday:  Super Pizza Chapter 2 / Digital Citizenship
Thursday: Pattern Problem Solving - Math Task #14
Friday:  Super Pizza Chapter 3 / Airplane Challenge / WOW (Work on Work)