January 21st - 25th
Important Dates January 30 - Fun Lunch January 31 - Division II (Gr 4, 5, 6) Music Concert January 31 - Last day fro Read-a-Thon February 1 - No School for students February 6 - Read-a-Thon forms and money due Highlights from our week: In science/social, we have extended our initial research by selecting one animal from our global country and to now study this animal with guiding questions. These included the characteristics of the animal, to look at the habitat of the animal and to research it's diet (prey) and it's predators. In math we have been reviewing the rules of subtraction (more on top, no need to stop; more on the floor, go next door & numbers the same, zero is the game) as well as looking at what to do when our neighbors have nothing to give. We spent some time each day this week getting our Harry Potter shapes sketches done and next we will cut them out and get them into our visual journals! We also created two visual journal entries: one asked us t...