Thinking it Through Thursday
Hey grade 5/6's! Today, we are going to divide our focus (heh, get it?) in two different directions: For Grade 5 - Dividing and interpreting the remainders as fractions or decimals . For Grade 6 - Dividing using decimals in the dividend. We have attached videos for both grades to lead you through these skills (choose the ones that match your favorite division strategy!). Then answer the following practice questions. Grade 5 - Task 9 (gr. 5) - Complete this activity sheet → Grade 5 Division Practice Grade 6-Task 9 (gr. 6) - Complete this activity sheet → Grade 6 Dividing with Decimals Practice Grade 5 Videos: Remainders as Decimals or Fractions: Please watch this video to learn the different ways we can express remainders! Numberock Song-- Fractions into Decimals: If you want to learn how to express the remainder as a decimal (without using a calculator) watch this fun music video! Short Division with Decimal ...